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3 Takeaways from One of the Best NDEs You’ll Ever See
By Jeff Janssen, M.S.

Jeff Janssen, M.S., who is renowned NDE researcher, near death experiencer and author of 10 Life-Changing Lessons from Heaven, wrote an article on his website about Dr. Deb King's near death experience called "3 Takeaways from One of the Best NDEs You’ll Ever See"

"Having analyzed thousands of NDEs over the past decade, this one instantly vaulted to one of my all-time favorites because of her verifiable proof, depth of insights, and comforting messages."

Jeff Janssen, M.S.

Jeff Janssen NDE

About Dr. Deb King

Dr. Deb King is an advanced practical registered nurse who holds a Ph. D. in Clinical Psychology.  In 2008, she suffered a sudden cardiac arrest that lead to a profoundly life-altering near-death experience (NDE).

Her mission is to help other healthcare professionals to benefit from their gifts by integrating the powerful messages they bring into patient care.


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